Robin Bowes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> In order that I have valid return mail addresses, I'd like to
> re-write the domain in all outgoing mail from my home network so

I do the same thing, for the same reason. There are two solutions--one
very specific, the other somewhat tricky.

  1. In your shell startup scripts, set the environment variables
     QMAILSUSER and QMAILSHOST. See qmail-inject(8) for details.

     This is somewhat fragile in that users can turn off those
     variables and undo your efforts on their behalf.

  2. If you use serialmail for outgoing mail, fiddle with the
     envelope sender at that time. Do this by adding a line to
     /var/qmail/control/virtualdomains which says:


     Next, put the following in ~alias/.qmail-rewrite-default, all on
     a single line:

|qmail-local alias /var/qmail/alias 
        alias-outgoing-$EXT "-" outgoing-$EXT 
        $HOST [EMAIL PROTECTED] ./Outgoing/

      Finally, create the maildir ~alias/Outgoing, and touch the empty
      file ~alias/.qmail-outgoing-default. When you run serialmail,
      the prefix to snip off will be "alias-outgoing-rewrite-".

The latter solution is odd, but it's the simplest way I know of to
fiddle with envelopes, without doing something silly with "preline"
and "sed". Any simpler solution would be appreciated!


84. When your Superiours talk to any Body hearken not neither Speak
nor Laugh.
  -- George Washington, "Rules of Civility & Decent Behaviour"

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