On Wed, Feb 10, 1999 at 06:39:47PM +0000, Andy Smith wrote:

> On Wed, 10 Feb 1999, Chris Green wrote:
> > Demon Internet is exceptional in that it offers all its dial-up users
> > a static IP address.  I think it's basically because it was one of the
> > earliest ISPs and thus has the addresses available because it grabbed
> > them early before they were hard to come by.
> I don't know all the facts behind it but I believe there that the IP
> registry in question (RIPE) will not prevent any ISP from giving static IP
> to all it's customers, provided the ISP keeps all the relevant records.

Demon offers a 'host' based service, delivers mail to customers by
SMTP. Thus a customer logs-in, say with host, and their domain name
is host.demon.co.uk. Demon dont care about the user part and can in
fact have as many or as few 'users' on their host.

At the time static IP was the way to go.

RIPE DID try and stop Demon allocating static IP addresses, however
after certain high level shouting matches and threats to go to the
European court (RIPE aren't allowed to dictate how Demon run their
business, if they run an SMTP/host based service - that's what they
run, RIPE can't dictate for them to use dynamic IP). Anyway, Demon
have to account for every IP addressed used, and associate it (in
customer blocks) with a name and address. Which is fair enough.

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