First off, let me say this:  Before anyone gets excited, ezmlm is NOT an
option.  I have users and list owners that want to use Majordomo and only
Majordomo.  They know Majordomo, they like Majordomo, they demand
Majordomo.  Therefore, I have to make this work with Majordomo.  Clear?
Ok, then.  Here's my predicament:  I see from combing through the list
archives and the Qmail and Majordomo web pages that there are a few
different options for setting up Majordomo with qmail.

>From what I've researched, I think I'd like to use the majordomo-inject
and the majordomo-dispatch scripts by Giles Lean and Russ Allbery.  

So far, no problem.  There's plenty of documentation on how to do this.  
Now for the kicker:

I want to set up Majordomo to work within several qmail virtual
domains.  There will be instances where [EMAIL PROTECTED] and [EMAIL PROTECTED] will
have to work, so renaming the list isn't an option.  Also, mail orginated
by majordomo from a specific virtual domain must appear as if it orginated
from the virtual domain.  

Phew!  Ok, so does anyone have some war stories, pointers to a FAQ or even
some old notes scribbled on the back of a pizza box they'd be willing to
share to help me tackle this one?

Chuck Milam             I.T. Division - Academic Computing
[EMAIL PROTECTED]         University of Wisconsin at Oshkosh

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