On Wed, 10 Feb 1999, Russ Allbery wrote:

> Does Majordomo get the entire virtual domain?  

Unfortunatey, no.  That's what makes it a little tougher.

> If not, there are a few ways to do it.  One way is to put the
> individual users that Majordomo needs (LIST, LIST-owner, LIST-request,
> and LIST-approval) directly into control/virtualdomains and map them
> to the Majordomo user.  

Hmm...I hadn't thought about trying it that way.  Thanks.  I think I'll
give that a shot with a test list.

> The other way is to piggyback on whatever you're currently using to
> control disposition of the mail to a given virtual domain.

I'm using qmail with at least one virtual domain controled by a user,
i.e.: all mail for domain xxx.domain.yyy is controlled by a non-root user
using .qmail files in his home directory.

Other domains will remain under administrative control, the "root.dude"
will be responsible for them.

> What do you mean by "appear as"?  If you mean that the Received lines
> have to match, you'll have a problem there, because qmail-remote
> doesn't have a way of binding to a specific IP address without
> patches.

Not the "Recieved" lines, but messages originating from a
Majordomo installation working at domain.xxx should appear to come from
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and list postings through that Majordomo should come
from [EMAIL PROTECTED], not domain.yyy.  Most likely, I'm guessing this
will involve pointing to different majordomo.cf files, and probably
modifing a copy of majordomo-inject and majordomo-dispatch for each
virtual domain.

Chuck Milam             I.T. Division - Academic Computing
[EMAIL PROTECTED]         University of Wisconsin at Oshkosh

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