On Thu, Feb 11, 1999 at 06:37:22PM +0800, Marlon Anthony Abao wrote:
> hello,
>       with the release of the new linux kernel, the limit of concurrent
> processes is now raised.  according to conf-spawn we cannot raise the qmail
> concurrency limit past 256. is there any reason for this?  

Qmail internally stores the concurrency limit in an object of type
char.  If you tried to specify a limit higher than 256, it would
overflow and give you a concurrency limit *lower* than what you asked

Is there a compelling technical reason why qmail shouldn't support
more concurrent delivery processes, or is this just the result of
short-sighted design considerations?

Tim Pierce
RootsWeb Genealogical Data Cooperative
system obfuscator and hack-of-all-trades

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