On Tue, Feb 23, 1999 at 08:55:43AM -0000, John Conover wrote:
> There was a message earlier today concerning the machine resources
> required for log files when using tcpserver//var/qmail/bin/splogger.
> Shouldn't it be possible for tcpserver to use individual logs per
> service, through another logging mechanism. Something like:
>     tcpserver -R -v -x tcp.cdb -u 123 -g 456 0 \
>         myservice /wherever/myprogram 2>&1 | mylogger > mylogfile &
> where mylogger is like cat(1), but with a better permissions/ownership
> structure? (Or, maybe, ... 2>&1 > mylogfile & would work, too. Anyone
> tried it?)

Somebody else has already suggested cyclog from the daemontools package
from DJB.  For the cases where you want to send all the output to a
single file, I wrote qfilelog, available at:
It has the additional feature of closing and re-opening its output file
when sent a HUP, for doing periodic log rotation.
Bruce Guenter, QCC Communications Corp.  EMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Phone: (306)249-0220               WWW: http://www.qcc.sk.ca/~bguenter/

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