Finally, we are running qmaiil on all our mail servers, so thanks to
everyone here who has helped me figure stuff out. It's mostly going ok,
and there were no major customer hassles after the switchover.  We have
noticed that performance has increased dramatically. We are using
inhouse LDAP patches to do our user/password lookups, so I will post our
patches when our site has been cleaned up (They are nothing on the scale
of Andres though, but they may be useful to someone), and we are over
any teething problems.

We did have one issue by the way, and I'm curious if anyone else has
experienced this. We are running the main mail server on Linux. When we
tried to upgrade before, I found that qmail-popup sessions were not
timing out. This time around I found (with strace) that the select call
in timeoutread and timeoutwrite was counting down  to zero, but then it
was resettting to the original timeout value somehow. So, it would never
exit! At the moment I have made a hack to fix this, but I really need to
know if there is a "proper" solution to this issue. I can post more
details if anyone wants.


Richard Aldridge,
Internet Systems Engineer,
Cable Internet.

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