In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> you wrote:
> On Fri, 19 Feb 1999, Paul Gregg wrote:

>> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> you wrote:
>> > On Wed, 20 Jan 1999, Robert Adams wrote:
>> >> user on the system. Anyone know of a way to get around this? Say, to tell
>> >> qmail to drop all mail to something like /mail/u/s/username?
>> I don't believe qmail can deliver to hashed spools like this by default.
>> I've just written a delivery script to deliver to hashed spools because I
>> needed it (gonna be *many* users). 
>> I nearly got it working with virtualdomains and users/assign with 26*26
>> entries, but it ment that I needed a virtualhosts entry for every
>> virtuall domain and each user was going to have one so it was not
>> practical and thus I wrote my own script as ~alias/.qmail-default.

> I think it can if you use the qmail-users mechanism


> so i would expect running the file though a little perl script which
> replaces homedir with the hased spool directory will work (assuming the
> user has permissions to their hashed spool directory.)

> or have I missed the point of the question?

I think so ;-)

My point was that I wanted a default system so I didn't have to add anything
the qmail - If I don't want to add a virtualhosts entry per user then I'm
absolutely not going to want to add a users/assign entry (with associated

I had worked out that I could have 26*26 entries in users/assign to handle
hashed spools for all users:


then I'd create a .qmail-username-default in /u/club24-co-uk/a/a delivering
to ./username/Maildir

But I had to add every virtual host individually - this I didn't want.

Now my perl script takes the email, calculates the HASH Maildir,
if it exists its delivered, if not it checks a MySQL database to see if we
want to accept email for this domain ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) is
accepted - if so, we create the Hashed Maildir and deliver the email.

The next time the Hashed dir will be there thus no MySQL lookup is needed.

Essentially I want to be adding a min of 1,000 user accounts per month 
fully automatically without having to remotely connect to the mailserver
and setup their mail account.

It works perfectly :-)  Cept I can only hand 400 deliveries per minute
due to perl overhead. :-(

I'm currently splitting the MySQL auth stuff away from the program to minimise
the code in the maildirdeliver program which should mean greater throughput.


PS. In case you're interested and cos I know you're in the UK - I'm launching
a Free ISP service ala Freeserve.
Email pgregg at | Email pgregg at    | Eight out of every
Technical Director        | System Administrator       | five people are math
The Internet Business Ltd | Nyx Public Access Internet | illiterates.      |         |             - Anon.

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