----- Forwarded message from [EMAIL PROTECTED] -----

Date: 12 Jan 1999 11:32:50 -0000
Subject: mysql: mysqlbug sends 2 copies when using qmail as delivery agent


        When qmail is installed on the server where mysqladmin is run from a machine 
with qmail.

This is very trivial, but I thought I'd just point it out.


        Run mysqladmin on a qmail machine.





MAIL_AGENT="rmail $BUGmysql"

and change 

if $MAIL_AGENT $BUGmysql < $TEMP.x



in mysqlbug.  qmail's sendmail replacement reads the To: line in the bug report itself 
and treats it as a recipient.
The above change should work with both qmail and sendmail [tested], and rmail should 
still work [untested].

>Submitter-Id:  brian
>Originator:    brian   
>Organization: NEC Semiconductors (UK) Ltd
  Best Regards,
  Brian S. Craigie
  Unix Sysadmin
  NEC Semiconductors (UK) Ltd
>MySQL support: extended email support
>Synopsis:      mysqlbug sends 2 copies when using qmail as delivery agent
>Severity:      non-critical
>Priority:      low
>Category:      mysql
>Class:         sw-bug
>Release:       mysql-3.22.14b-gamma (Source distribution)
>Server: /mylocal/mysql/bin/mysqladmin  Ver 7.8 Distrib 3.22.14b-gamma, for 
>sun-solaris2.5.1 on sparc
TCX Datakonsult AB, by Monty

Server version          3.21.24-gamma-log
Protocol version        10
Connection              Localhost via UNIX socket
UNIX socket             /tmp/mysql.sock
Uptime:                 1 hour 43 min 45 sec

Running threads: 2  Questions: 7714  Reloads: 4  Open tables: 13
System: SunOS raptor 5.5.1 Generic_103640-12 sun4u sparc SUNW,Ultra-Enterprise
Architecture: sun4

Some paths:  /usr/bin/perl /usr/ccs/bin/make /usr/local/bin/gmake /usr/local/bin/gcc 
GCC: Reading specs from /usr/local/lib/gcc-lib/sparc-sun-solaris2.5/2.7.2/specs
gcc version 2.7.2
Compilation info: CC='gcc'  CFLAGS=''  CXX='gcc'  CXXFLAGS=''  LDFLAGS=''
Configure command: ./configure  --with-unix-socket-path=/var/tmp/mysql.sock 
--with-low-memory --with-mit-threads=yes
Perl: This is perl, version 5.004_04 built for sun4-solaris
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----- End forwarded message -----

Greetz, Peter.
<squeezer> AND I AM GONNA KILL MIKE                |          Peter van Dijk
<squeezer> hardbeat, als je nog nuchter bent:      | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
<squeezer>   @date = localtime(time);              |  realtime security d00d
<squeezer>   $date[5] += 2000 if ($date[5] < 37);  | 
<squeezer>   $date[5] += 1900 if ($date[5] < 99);  |        * blah *

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