We have a qmail cluster of machines that handles all mail for both our
"main" dialup domain (cnmnetwork.com) as well as our virtual domains.
Because the main domain is so big, we've broken it out into a multilevel
structure, so that mail for [EMAIL PROTECTED] will go to:

This all works, and to simplify things we do the exact same thing for our
virtual domains.  cnmnetwork.com is therefore essentially just another
virtual domain on the box, and we don't really treat it any differently
(other than having bounces come from [EMAIL PROTECTED]).

So here's my problem.  I can currently use dot-qmail files to handle mail
at a domain level with no problem.  I'd like to be able to handle it at a
virtual *user* level, however, because the cnmnetwork.com domain
currently has over 7000 users and at the current rate of growth will hit
10,000 by the end of January.

To be able to handle forwarding/autoresponders/lists for the users in
this domain, I currently have to put all the dot-qmail files in
/mailpath/vpop/cn/cnmnetwork.com, which means all those files pile up in
that directory.  I'd much rather be able to put the files in the
individual user directories and let the users manage the files

I'm thinking that I could probably do this with a dot-qmail-default that
changed directories based on the username and opened the next
dot-qmail-default that it found, but I'm not quite sure how to go about
this.  Does anyone have any suggestions?  If you need any more
information let me know.  I'll go ahead and add that the current
dot-qmail-default looks like:
     | /mailpath/vpop/bin/vdelivermail BOUNCE
(where BOUNCE is the address to deliver bounces to, or the keyword
"BOUNCE" to return to sender).  So I would guess that the change would
just be some fancy thing to make it re-evaluate another directory for a
dot-qmail file, but I'm not sure just how to do this.

Thanks in advance-

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