Hi! I worked on Sam's idea and, instead of sed, I made up a little gawk
script to normalize the Date: field of messages. It works like a charm!
Note that:

1) It doesn't check for duplicate Date: fields, but it does add one if
the header comes to an end without one;

2) It renames the old Date: field to Client-Date:;

3) It adds "(server time)" at the end of the new Date: field

4) I couldn't extract an RFC-822-compliant string from strftime (that's
why the servertz variable). Anyone can tip me on how to do that?

#!/usr/bin/gawk -f
        inheader = 1;
        datenotparsed = 0;
        servertz = "-0300";

function printdate() {
        print "Date: " strftime("%a, %e %h %Y %T ") servertz " (server

        if ($0 == "")
                inheader = 0;
                if (datenotparsed)

        if (inheader)
                if (substr($0, 1, 6) == "Date: ")
                        print "Client-" $0;
                        datenotparsed = 0;
                        print $0;
                print $0;

 ___THE___  One man alone cannot fight the future. USE LINUX!
 \  \ /  /   _______________________________________________
  \  V  /   |Juan Carlos Castro y Castro                    |
   \   /    |[EMAIL PROTECTED]                          |
   /   \    |Linuxeiro, alvinegro, X-Phile e Carioca Folgado|
  /  ^  \   |Diretor de Informática e Eventos Sobrenaturais |
 /  / \  \  |da E-RACE CORPORATION                          |
 ~~~   ~~~   -----------------------------------------------

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