On Fri, Mar 12, 1999 at 12:03:35PM -0800, Kai MacTane wrote:
> Hello, Folks--
> I have a couple of questions about the control/badmailfrom file:
> 1) As long as it's readable by qmail, does its ownership matter?


> 2) Which part of qmail needs to read it? My quick scan of the docs 
>    says qmail-smtpd is the only thing that looks at control/badmailfrom,
>    but I'd like to double-check.

Only qmail-smtpd reads it.

> 3) Will control/badmailfrom take regexes or any other form of pattern
>    matching besides the simple "@host" that matches all addresses at
>    a given host? Since it appears not, are there any patches to
>    enable this?

The only things you can have in badmailfrom are user@host or @host. I do recall
seeing some patches to allow regexes; check www.qmail.org.

> 4) After altering it, I don't need to restart anything, right?

Right. It's reread every time a new qmail-smtpd is run.


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