On Sun, Mar 14, 1999 at 05:32:16PM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>  Great program for fixing the queue.  Hope I never have to use it.
>  I thought of another robust method for moving the queue, but 
>  thankfully have never needed to try it.  What do you think?
>  It employs djb's serialmail.
>    (install serialmail and follow install instructions in 
>      <serialmail source>/TOISP including setting up a 
>      virtual domain to which to deliver all mail to a maildir)
>    disable qmail-inject and qmail-smtpd so users can't add
>      things to the queue

Hmm you really only need to disable qmail-queue, but disabling the other services too
might look better to your users :)

>    kill -HUP <qmail-send pid>   # recognize the virtual domain addition
>    /var/qmail/bin/qmail-tcpok   # reset retry timeout
>    kill -ALRM <qmail-send pid>  # reattempt all deliveries (into maildir)
>    /var/qmail/bin/qmail-qstat   # check to make sure queue is empty
>    kill <qmail-lspawn pid>      # shut down qmail
>    install qmail in a new location with 'make setup check' after
>      modifying the file locations, of course (even if just creating
>      a queue in a new location)
>    start up the new qmail
>    reenable qmail-inject and qmail-smtpd
>    use serialmail to deliver all the queued mail in the maildir back
>      into the queue
>  This should, in many cases, also work for queues low on disk space
>  because as things are delivered to the maildir (on a different partition
>  with more disk space!) space is created in the queue.  (After issueing
>  qmail-tcpok, you can modify the delivery retry on the huge file(s) that
>  are stalling the queue so that when you give qmail-send a SIGALRM, it
>  doesn't attempt to deliver them yet)
>  Comments?

Yeah. This won't work. The messages are already queued for remote delivery.

There's a much simpler way: install the new qmail in a new location, use smtproutes
to deliver everything to localhost, start qmail-smtpd for the new qmail on port 25
but start qmail-send from the old qmail. Do the qmail-tcpok and kill -ALRM thingy,
and everything should be peachy.

Also, in your situation, you might as well just move the queue directory to another
directory on the _same_ filesystem, then moving it back after installing the new

Greetz, Peter.
.| Peter van Dijk           | <mo|VERWEG> stoned worden of coden
.| [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | <mo|VERWEG> dat is de levensvraag
                            | <mo|VERWEG> coden of stoned worden
                            | <mo|VERWEG> stonend worden En coden
                            | <mo|VERWEG> hmm
                            | <mo|VERWEG> dan maar stoned worden en slashdot lezen:)

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