From: Evans Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

:I am receiving the following message when I start Pine.
:Mailbox vulnerable - error creating
:The following are the details on my /var/spool/mail directory:
:drwxrwxr-x   2 root     mail         1024 Mar 15 00:55 mail
:This is the info on /var/spool/mail/evans
:-rw-rw----   1 evans    mail          517 Mar 15 00:53 evans
:I am running qmail 1.03.  Any ideas on what I'm doing wrong here?

This has nothing to do with qmail, it has to do with file permissions.  That
should be obvious from the error message you are getting.

Either make the pine binary setgid mail, or change the permissions on
/var/spool/mail to allow pine to write its tempfile there.  Or (a better
solution) change the place where pine puts its tempfile to /var/tmp or some
other world-writable directory.

Or (an even better solution), configure qmail to deliver to your home


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