On 21-Mar-99 Chris Johnson wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 22, 1999 at 07:37:45AM +1100, Kevin Waterson wrote:
>> Is it possible to run both sendmail and qmail on the one machine
>> I need to install innd adnd it requires sendmail apparently
> It depends what you mean by "run." You can certainly have both on your system,
> but you can't have them both listening for SMTP connections.
> Qmail comes with a fake sendmail (/var/qmail/bin/sendmail). You can replace the
> real sendmail with a symlink to qmail's sendmail, and it'll work fine for most
> purposes. I haven't tried it with innd though.

I have & still am.  It works fine.

Vince Vielhaber -- KA8CSH   email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   flame-mail: /dev/null
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