As the most inept and clueless *nix sysadmin on the web, I'd like to say
a few words about the qmail docs... They're damned good.  I fought with
sendmail for a long time, the quarterly upgrades became less and less
functional for me.  At 8.9.3, all I could get it to do was bounce
everything that came its way.  Sure, there's the 25-pound Bat Book, but
it's written in computerese, not English.  Figuring there had to be
something easier to set up, I searched and found qmail, and decided to
give it a try out of desperation.  I RTFM, followed the instructions,
and it all worked.  I dug around a little more, found tcpserver and the
instructions for that, and got pop boxes working on multiple domains and
selective relaying for the machines inside the firewall.  Some things
were a bit vague, it took maybe a half hour of experimentation to find
out what worked.  Sure, the docs on the conceptual points of qmail could
be improved, but they're still better than anything I ever found on
sendmail.  Hell, I'm dumber than a brick and I got three qmail servers
running the way I want them to and doing the tricks I could never get
sendmail to do.  My experience with this list has been that there is a
wealth of knowledge and help available to those who have made an honest
effort and got stuck, but little sympathy for those who want all the
answers without any expending any energy of their own.  RTFM - it works.

Mark Bitting

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