At 10:46 PM 1/3/99 +0100, Kaspar Landsberg wrote:
>On Mon, Jan 04, 1999 at 08:26:12AM +1100, Mark Delany wrote:
>| Kaspar. It looks like uucp cannot find the rmail command.
>| Are you sure rmail is in uuxqt's path and importantly, is rmail set to be 
>| executable and readable by uuxqt?
>uhm. :-)
>That was it. The permissions of the rmail file were not correct. I forgot to verify 
>Shame on me!
>Well, everything seems to be working fine now. Thanks a lot for cludging me!
>Thanks, Kasi


>PS: But one of those error logs could have at least given me a little hint... :p

In a way, they did.

The fact that everything else was right and this entry in the uucp log:

uuxqt root (1999-01-03 19:58:19.25 5592) ERROR:
Execution: Exit status 1

was the hint for me.

But it's non-obvious I agree.


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