On 05-Jan-99 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> you wrote:
>: On 04-Jan-99 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>: > On Mon, Jan 04, 1999 at 05:19:13PM -0000, Brian S. Craigie wrote:
>: >> Please Please tell me there's an easy way to tell qmail not to create
>: >> separate
>: >> messages in this case?  Else, we're going to be hammered for phone line
>: >> charges.
> Nope, no way at all.  One rcpt to one message, always and no
> exceptions.  Not that it's a consolation, but there really is just
> one message in the queue, but delivery will be attempted for it at
> least as many times as there are recipients for it.
>: > man qmail-remote
>: Nope, sorry.  Nothing in that man page on multiple RCPTs.
> qmail-remote can handle more than one rcpt per message, but
> qmail-send will never ask it to.

Hmmm.....  Big pity.  Qmail is otherwise quite acceptable.  Is there any
wonderful guru out there who would be willing to provide a patch to qmail-send
to make it do this? [my C programming isn't up to scratch unfortunately] It
can't be that hard.  Just stop it looping and send all the recipients together
to qmail-remote, yes?

This would be a great benefit to all the dial-up qmail users.

> -harold



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