On Tue, Jan 05, 1999 at 06:09:49PM +0100, Stefan Paletta wrote:
> Stuart Ballard wrote/schrieb/scribsit:
> > I am attempting to configure qmail to handle mail queueing for multiple
> > domains, each of which will dial up with _dynamically assigned_ IP
> > addresses. The servers themselves use exchange, so I can't rely on any
> > features from them ;) (but they can send an ETRN if it helps).
> You'd better try the ETRN patch then, IMHO,
> > Unfortunately,
> > it appears qmail doesn't ever reload this file, and I'd need it to be
> > reloaded on a regular basis, whenever a host connects or disconnects.
> smtproutes is read by every qmail-remote when starting up.
> So there's no need to reload it (you cannot even do that).
> > Is there a way to force qmail to reload this file? I'm also unsure how
> > to tell qmail to "always hold mail for this domain in the queue"
> Give it an smtproute that will always fail with a refused connection.

Fastest for that would be a route to localhort port 24 or some other
unused port (be sure to use one <1024).

Greetz, Peter.
<squeezer> AND I AM GONNA KILL MIKE                |          Peter van Dijk
<squeezer> hardbeat, als je nog nuchter bent:      | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
<squeezer>   @date = localtime(time);              |  realtime security d00d
<squeezer>   $date[5] += 2000 if ($date[5] < 37);  | 
<squeezer>   $date[5] += 1900 if ($date[5] < 99);  |    -x- available -x-

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