On Wed, Jan 06, 1999 at 04:10:32PM +0000, Stuart Ballard wrote:
> Eric Smith wrote:
> > 
> > Stuart Ballard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> asks several questions, including:
> > > I'm also unsure how
> > > to tell qmail to "always hold mail for this domain in the queue"
> > 
> > You'll probably be told that serialmail is the officially 'correct'
> > solution to this problem.  I personally happen to have a conceptual
> > dislike for introducing yet another different queuing method,
> I'm glad that someone else does too :) I was beginning to be afraid I
> *was* barking up the wrong tree...
> > so I use
> > Alan Curry's ETRN patch:
> > 
> >         http://www.cqc.com/~pacman/projects/qmail-etrn/
> > 
> > [I think this used to be listed on www.qmail.org, but I can't find it
> > there now.]
> This is going to be really helpful! Thanks!
> > This won't solve the dynamic IP problem, though.  It allows the domain
> > to request delivery of its email, but it still uses the smtproutes to
> > determine how to get it there.
> I have a script now that will auto-create an smtproutes file every time
> someone dials in or out. This should solve that problem.
> > Note that since you don't know the IP address, you'll have to accept an
> > ETRN from *anyone*, which is suboptimal.
> Ah, but I *can* restrict ETRNs to only people within the netblocks that
> are assigned to our dialins. So it's not that big a problem.
> I'll report back to the list on my progress, because mail dequeueing
> without a static IP sounds like something that might be of use to other
> people too.

At an ISP I work for, we've been doing a test with SMTP delivery to dynamic
IPs. We used a small script that was put on port 79 (finger) thru inetd.
You would then finger username:[EMAIL PROTECTED] (no, that's not a real
hostname :) and it would trigger serialsmtp. Ofcourse easily adjusted for
qmtp too.

A friend of mine is using something similar right now, although for some
reason he decided to develop a separate protocol on a separate port, which
means you need a special client too. I think my solution was better.

The code to do such a thing is quite trivial, if anybody is interested let
me know. I don't know how long the script was, if it's short I might post it

Greetz, Peter.
<squeezer> AND I AM GONNA KILL MIKE                |          Peter van Dijk
<squeezer> hardbeat, als je nog nuchter bent:      | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
<squeezer>   @date = localtime(time);              |  realtime security d00d
<squeezer>   $date[5] += 2000 if ($date[5] < 37);  | 
<squeezer>   $date[5] += 1900 if ($date[5] < 99);  |    -x- available -x-

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