I have a mail routing question and I'm hoping someone can help me.  I have
searched through the mailing list archive (approx 580 msgs) and I couldn't
decipher the answer from any post(s) as being definative.

I have several domains to recieve mail for (names have been changed to
protect the ignorant <grin>)


Correspondingly I have three machines, mail.company.com,
mail.alpha.company.com, and mail.beta.company.com.  In my DNS I have:

company.com.            IN      MX  0   mail.company.com.
                        IN      MX 10   mail.alpha.company.com.
                        IN      MX 10   mail.beta.company.com.

alpha.company.com.      IN      MX  0   mail.alpha.company.com.
                        IN      MX 10   mail.company.com.
                        IN      MX 20   mail.beta.company.com.

beta.company.com.       IN      MX  0   mail.beta.company.com.
                        IN      MX 10   mail.company.com.
                        IN      MX 20   mail.alpha.company.com.

Now, all of these mail machines will be running Qmail.  I need to figure
out how to configure each system so that *company.com mail is delivered
from mail.company.com (where it will all arrive) to the appropriate
mailhost via DNS MX records.  All mail coming from the subdomains should
use DNS MX records for internal mail delivery.  And finally, all company
external outgoing mail should override DNS MX records and forward through
our mail gateway (mail.company.com).

I'm very confused as to how to get his all setup to intermingle both MX
and (i guess) smtproute processing.  Please, any help would be greatly

                                       Stephen Anderson
                                     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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