
I use two machines at home (lets call them A and B). I'm using B as an
internet gateway for A. Both machines run qmail-1.03.

I want A now to send all mail that's not addressed to a user on A to B.
And I want B to put all mail that's neither for A nor B into a uucp queue
(I have the qmail-bsmtp package installed).
If I put ':alias-uucp' into B's virtualdomains file then _all_ mail ist put
into the uucp queue, even mails that are addressed to users on A or B
although these could be delivered locally or via SMTP.

Does anyone know how I can exclude mails from beeing stuffed into the uucp

Ciao, Sebastian

* HP:    http://www.sauerland.de/~toyland/          PGP-Key available

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