Or if you're using a linux distrobution, try changing killproc to killall

Reid Sutherland
Network Administrator
ISYS Technology Inc.
Fingerprint: 1683 001F A573 B6DF A074  0C96 DBE0 A070 28BE EEA5

-----Original Message-----
From: Chris Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Bill Parker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sunday, April 04, 1999 7:23 PM
Subject: Re: CNAME problem solved, I think, but another ???

>On Sun, Apr 04, 1999 at 03:50:31PM -0700, Bill Parker wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I believe I have my CNAME problem with AOL solved, but it will take
>> a day or two to be certain.  On a more difficult note, I have the
>> script to stop, start, restart, and status qmail (which was furnished by
>> inter7.com, good commercial support for qmail IMO):
>> [billp@odie billp]$ cat /etc/rc.d/init.d/qmail
>> #!/bin/sh
>> # Qmail Startup
>> PROG=qmail                  # what program are we playing with?
>> COMMAND=$PROG                       # command to start $PROG
>> DIR=/var/lock/$PROG                 # a directory for supervise to use
>> LOGDIR=/var/log/$PROG               # directory for logs
>> # Source function library.
>> INITDIR=/etc/rc.d/init.d            # location of initscripts
>> . $INITDIR/daemontools.functions
>             ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
>On my Redhat box, this file is called "functions," not
>This is the file that killproc is defined in. You might try changing this
>. $INITDIR/functions
>if that's the name of the file on your system.

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