+ Gordon Soukoreff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

| Hi, I've seen some documentation on this however, I'm trying to set it up.
| This is what I get:
| tcpserver -u "$uid" -g "$gid" -c "$concurrency" -v \
|                 -x /etc/tcpcontrol/smtp.cdb 0 smtp \
|                 qmail-pipe fixcr -- qmail-smtpd \| \
|                 $logger 
| But what is " qmail-pipe " ? I can't find no docs on it. Thanks for the
| help guys !

Looks like my program - the one I just call pipe:


Its purpose is to create pipelines that are beyond the capabilities of
the shell, in this case a pipeline whose leading process executes in
the context of the original (qmail-)pipe program itself.

- Harald

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