Read the archives, there is a poster to the list that runs a system called
"start antivirus" or something similar, it's in his .signature and should
come up easily. He has a URL to it on his sig.

On Thu, 22 Apr 1999, Tracy R Reed wrote:

-| My list of reasons to despise Windows and the dumbf*cks who don't know how to
-| use it properly continues to grow.
-| It has been mandated to me that I will get virus scanning working with our
-| mail system. Our sales and marketing people keep getting viruses and passing
-| them on to the rest of the company.
-| So I'm afraid I have to ask: Has *anyone* gotten any sort of decent virus
-| scanning setup with qmail? I read a few suggestions on the list during the
-| Melissa outbreak but I never saw any good complete plans for making this work.
-| This should probably be in the FAQ.
-| I saw a message in the qmail archive where someone claimed to have amavis
-| ( working with qmail. Anyone know how
-| this was done?
-| I really don't want to have to switch to sendmail just to get virus
-| scanning...
-| --
-| Tracy Reed
-| Those who do not understand Unix are condemned to reinvent it, poorly.
-| -- Henry Spencer

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