Jim Beam writes:
 > Can anyone give me some solid - documented reasons why qMail would
 > be a better solution for us? (We are looking at heavy modifications
 > to either flavors, so that is not an issue - we are using a portal
 > product that is totally SQL driven, and all daemons will have to
 > authenticate from it - also, we will be using a hashed dir
 > structure (5 layers deep) for the users Maildir(s)).

I think your parenthesized explanation is the best reason to go with
qmail.  With qmail, no modifications are needed.  You'll have to write 
your own checkpassword, and qmail-getpw, but they are 132 lines and 88 
lines respectively.  Not exactly rocket science, even after you
include the code to query your SQL database.

-russ nelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  http://crynwr.com/~nelson
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