On Thu, Jan 21, 1999 at 09:26:55PM -0800, Russ Allbery wrote:
> So if you just fix whatever it is that you're using to send mail so that
> instead of generating return addresses of the form:
>         list-bounces-@host-@[]
> it generates them as:
>         list+bounces+@host-@[]
> I believe you'll immediately get what you want.

Mail is sent with a wrapper around qmail-inject, with an environment

    QMAILSUSER      = list-request
    QMAILSHOST      = rootsweb.com
    QMAILINJECT     = r

Am I doing it the wrong way?  This is the only reference to VERPs I
could find in the qmail-inject, qmail-send, qmail, qmail-smtpd
etc. man pages.

Tim Pierce
RootsWeb Genealogical Data Cooperative
system obfuscator and hack-of-all-trades

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