At 10:14 AM 1/29/99 +0100, Frank D. Cringle wrote:
>"Joe Garcia" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> Hey some of us youngins weren't around for the low bandwidth (modem) email
>> days, which is what UUCP was created for.  I couldn't even begin to tell you
>> how to set up UUCP it my life depended on it.  >:)  The funny part about
>> this is that I am old enough to remeber a pre-web Internet.
>>      Anyway he is correct that is the best way to do it.  Unfortunately qmail
>> won't do that, only one I know of is the beast, Sendmail.
>Hmmm... when I look at the headers of your message as received here, I 
>see that it reached me via UUCP/BSMTP.

Ahh. But he might be being especially clever and saying that only sendmail 
is able to be arranged to issue an rmail with multiple recipients. Is it F=m 
that enables this feature in the mailer definition?


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