This message should have gone to the ezmlm mailing list, as the archive has
a few (hard-to-find) messages in the archive about it.

At 06:08 AM 12/23/98 , [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>I need to move two mailing lists(each about 10000 subscribers) to another
>hosts on a different domain.
Ditto....a few weeks ago because is going down

>here is the description:
>there are two mailing lists(using majordomo): 
>       list1@domain1 and
>       list2@domain2 
>currently, these lists are on host1.domain3. Now, I need to move them to
>another host(host2.domain3) which I just installed qmail and ezmlm. I did
>some simple tests on qmail and ezmlm and they both seem to work.
>both these lists are to be controled by the admin (not a normal user).
>The things I'm not sure are :
>1) how can I set up ezmlm so qmail knows how to deliver the mails sent to
>list1@domain1 and list2@domain2 ? or, I have to do some thing to qmail. I
>set up qmail before, but only to accept mails for the domain the host's
>on. I'm not sure how to set up qmail to accept mails sent to a completely 
>different domain.

I'm running ezmlm-0.53 with ezmlm-idx-3.11
In ezmlm-manage.c, at line 495, there are two lines:

if (inhost.len != str_len(host)) die_badaddr();
if (case_diffb(inhost.s,inhost.len,host)) die_badaddr();

which you just need to enclose within comments, recompile ezmlm, and copy
the new ezmlm-manage over the old one. In addition to this, you need to
edit the editor file in the mailing list's home directory and add a "-T" to
ezmlm-reject. The -T flag lets the list distribute messages even if the
list's name isn't in To: or Cc:. Unfortunately, this also opens your list
up to spamming...

>2) once I set up the lists on the new hosts, is there anyway of testing
>it without losing any messages ? 

i created a test list using the old domain, subscribed myself, and sent
mail to it using the new address and old address. When it worked without
errors, I just put the same changes into the working list.

>3) do I need to install ezmlm-idx ?
no. just need to recompile ezmlm-manage and copy it to its current location.

>maybe the problem has arose in the list before. I did search the archive
>most of my search results are about virtual hosts. I'm not sure if thats 
>what I need.

I spent at least 30 minutes looking through the ezmlm list archive before I
found the solution. There was only one message which said that
ezmlm-manage.c was the file to modify. Most others just said "disable the
host-checking". There were also messages that the next version of ezmlm-idx
or ezmlm (can't remember which) would let you ignore hosts, but the new
versions of either of those isn't out yet, so that didn't help me much.

--Ludwig Pummer ( [EMAIL PROTECTED] )

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