dave, all,

i asked a very similar set of questions recently on this list.

the result:  the maildir driver for the UW imap server is very
rudimentary.  it works extremely well for inboxes, but not well for any
other folders.  i have patched it a bit to handle creating new maildirs
correclty and copying between the inbox and other folders, but it doesn't
handle other folders very elegantly yet.

other people have had much better luck with cyrus for imap.  until mark
crispin actually ingtegrates maildir support, this sort of thing is likely
to be a problem.

todd underwood

On Fri, 4 Jun 1999, Dave Teske wrote:

> Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 12:12:12 -0400
> From: Dave Teske <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Getting Maildir + IMAP working
> Has anyone got this fully working? Here's my story. Qmail 1.03, the patched 
> WU IMAP server running both POP and IMAP daemons. POP's working fine and 
> for the most part so is IMAP. IMAP works great if the users mail box is in 
> Mailbox format. However if the user is setup for Maildir delivery I seem to 
> lose the ability to copy from the "Inbox" to another message folder. The 
> directory structure is
> /home/user/
>            /Maildir
>                    /cur & tmp & new
>            /Mail
>                 /Folder1 (well it's actually a file like Mailbox)
> I've tried a couple of windows clients (eudora, outlook express) and they 
> work fine except when trying to copy from "Inbox" to "Folder1". They fail 
> with the message "/home/user/Mail/Folder1 is not a valid Maildir." Thinking 
> the clients were at fault I tested it manually via telneting into the imap 
> server and i get the same error(s). I've tried both the IMAP COPY and UID 
> COPY commands. The really strange thing is that I can copy between the 
> Mail/Folders with no problems.
> BTW Pegasus actually works with this but they do an APPEND and then a 
> DELETE. Unfortunately it doesn't have a "Purge Deleted Messages" command 
> like the other 2 so the deleted mail stays in the folders.
> I'd really like to get this resolved so I can move all my users into 
> Maildir format but until this is resolved I can't.
> Any ideas what's going on
> Thanks
> --Dave Teske

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