I am trying to run the amavis package together with qmail.
If i put 

|/usr/sbin/scanmails $SENDER $RECIPIENT

into one .qmail-file everything works fine.

But i would like qmail to scan every mail so i tried starting qmail like

exec env - PATH="/var/qmail/bin:$PATH" \
qmail-start |/usr/sbin/scanmails $SENDER $RECIPIENT ./Mailbox splogger

that works for scanning the mails but of course there is no logging

can anyone tell me how i have to change that line to still log?

BTW: I have adopted Sascha Ottolski's changes to Amavis 0.2.0pre2 
to the new pre4 version. my version is available on request.

mfg sven lankes
megabit informationstechnik

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