The qmail analog of creating the sendmail queue files is probably
the qmail-queue interface.  Qmail-queue is simple and easy.

The problem, of course, is that it will pound the daylights out of
the queue's file system.  You can run a couple of dozen queues to
avoid that if you're so inclined. The idea another poster described,
using qmail-remote directly, with qmail-queue for the first-try
failures is a bit interesting.  In case it's not obvious, it avoids
all the overhead of creating any on-disk files for the first-try

-- Jeff Hayward

On Fri, 4 Jun 1999, Mylo wrote:

   Not sure if this went through the first time, I got a help msg back
   so here goes again:
   Hello all,
     I am investigating using qmail to send a mass mailing to our 2M user base.
   Currently we have been using sendmail.  First, let me describe our current
   setup.  We have 26 different sendmail's running as deamons on 26 different
   mqueue's.  We then have a program that pulls user information out of our
   database and creates the qfAA and dfAA files into these queue's.  It dumps
   10,000 messages in each queue, then moves onto the next queue, leaving
   sendmail to distribute the messages from the queue.  This is however,
   insanely slow.  From what I've seen/read/and heard Qmail will be able to
   accomplish our 2M mailing a lot faster than sendmail, however I believe that
   a large part of our bottleneck is that we create queue files and expect
   sendmail to recognize it.  Okay, now to the question:  What would be the
   best way of doing this with Qmail?  Running multiple deamons on multiple
   queue's?  or can Qmail do this all automatically.  I am very unfamiliar with
   the Qmail configuration so any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
   Please reply directly to <A HREF="maito:[EMAIL PROTECTED]"> [EMAIL PROTECTED] </A>.
   Thank you.
   -- Tim "Mylo" Madams

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