Seeing as nobody has offered to do this free ;) 

I'd be interested to hear is anyone out there is interested in developing
this project for me.  It doesn't seem like a difficult task - security of the
resultant qmail-pop3d is also important.

I can swing $200-$300 for this.

Please email me if you are interested.



In article <7jhl3c$lvp$[EMAIL PROTECTED]> you wrote:
> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> you wrote:
>> Paul Gregg writes:

>>> Assume this setup is running perfectly (ok, I have 4,000 users using it).
>>> Essentially I'm thinking of enabling the user to login via POP3 as
>>> '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' with their normal password. (I've written the
>>> checkpasswd so it's easy to authenticate ok).
>>> What methodology could be used so that if they login with a specific
>>> email address as a POP3 user then they only "see" email which is destined
>>> for that user. but if they logged in without a user@ part then they would get
>>> everything.

>> You'll need a custom POP3 server for that.  When the POP3 server
>> initializes and scans the Maildir for messages, it should ignore messages
>> that do not have a Delivered-To: address for the login user.

>> Maildir-based POP3 servers are childishly simple, and you should be able to
>> write one up, or modify an existing one, in no time at all.

> Ok, I figured out how best to code this up.

> Essentially, one needs to patch get_list() in qmail-pop3d.c

> get_list calls maildir_scan() (in maildir.c) to return a list of filenames,
> which get_list() then parses through to build a list of files/emails
> which are in the Maildir.

> This routine needs to also add the Delivered-To: checks that are in
> serialsmtp.c from the serialmail package.
> Simply we could call checkpasswd qmail-pop3d Maildir  and checkpasswd could
> exec  @ARGV, but add user@host to the args (so qmail-pop3d could read it).

> The check would need to find the Delivered-To: (first one) line
> and do a search in the string for /user@host/  (the login pop3 id).
> (checkpasswd could munge it whatever way you wanted to cover for user%host
> if you had to).

> Anyone feel up to the task?  I'm afraid my C coding skills leave much to
> be desired - never got time to learn :(

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