I just ran instcheck from my install directory and got the following

instcheck: warning: /var/qmail/alias has wrong owner
instcheck: warning: /var/qmail/alias has wrong group
instcheck: warning: /var/qmail/alias has wrong permissions

Boy, I didn't leave any any possible misconfiguration of this directory out
in the cold!

Anyway, so here is the scoop on the directory

drwx------ 3 alias nofiles 1024 June 13 23:46 alias

Now I tried changing the owner to root, qmaild, qmaill, qmailp, qmailq,
qmailr, qmails but the complaint about the owner keeps happening

I have read over the install files (as many as I could find without a LIST
of all of them) and the apparently relevant one, INSTALL.alias makes no
mention of the proper ownership, group, or permissions for alias (as well as
not mentioning that the .qmail-postmaster, etc... files need to contain
./Maildir/ if they are going to work with Maildirs which is the option I
chose after READING the installation files, recommending it for all sorts of
good reasons.

As near as I can tell my only real FAILURE is that I can't recieve mail from
a remote host, but I'm not sure if this problem has anything to do with THAT

Alex Miller

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