Thanks for all the help yesterday.

I've been making penance and have reinstalled QMAIL. At first I couldn't
understand why the userid's were only numbers and I realized that to
reinstall I had to run 'make setup check' from scratch after making the
proper users.

So I did a really clean install (or so I thought)

I deleted the /var/qmail directory
I deleted the alias and qmail* users
I deleted the group nofiles and qmail
I deleted my installation directory
(I left the Maildir and .qmail (with ./Maildir/) in my etc/skel)
(I left the qmail startup line in rc.local - I hope that wasn't a sin)
(I left my Maildir directory in my own user account Alex, which has some
test mail in the new directory)
I did a shutdown

When I came back up

I created the /var/qmail directory
I created the groups nofiles and qmail, and the users alias and qmail*
I ran the make setup check
I ran ./config
As the alias user I copied the .qmail in ~alias to .qmail-postmaster,
.qmail-root, and .qmail-mailer-daemon (they have the ./Maildir)
I deleted the .qmail from the ~alias directory (it came from /etc/skel)
I deleted the spurious .qmail from /var/qmail and /var/qmail/alias (it came
from /etc/skel)
I copied the /var/qmail/boot/home to /var/qmail/rc
I changed the /var/qmail/rc to use Maildir instead of Mailbox

I thought I was good to go at this point.

Then I started qmail
csh -cf '/var/qmail/rc &'

I got a response
[1] number (I don't remember the number)

I did ps -aux | more

none of the qmail processes had started :-(
I tried a shutdown to let it start from rc.local
still no qmail processes

I tried starting again
csh -cf '/var/qmail/rc &'

again I got a response
[1] number

but still nothing when I look use ps -aux | more

Nothing happens when I attempt to send local-to-local using the echo test.

I'd like to look at syslog to see what's there but I have NO IDEA where it
is on my system. I'm using Linux Mandrake (Redhat + KDE).

If I keep attempting to restart qmail I alsways get [1] number.
My latest attempt showed [1] 10434

Alex (I want virtual mail so bad I can taste it) Miller

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