Hi there.

I am a new qmail user running a redhat 5.1 with no shadow password.
As this is my fisrt try at managing mail, i still have troubles understanding how 
things are kept.

It looks like i am able to recieve and to send mail with one account (the one i m 
using) but i dont understand how to add user.

The doc says, use qmail-pw2u, this shall read /etc/passwd and create a valid 
/var/qmail/users/assign file.

If i run qmail-pw2u, nothings happens. No error message, i loose hand on the shell and 
it doesnt give it back. I have waited more than 5 minutes (for a /etc/passwd with no 
more than 10 user).

Yes, poeple in /home do own their directory:

drwxr-xr-x   2 geneaweb geneaweb     1024 mai 17 15:03 geneaweb
drwxr-xr-x   2 root     root        12288 jan  3 19:12 lost+found
drwxr-xr-x  26 melmoth  melmoth      3072 jun 16 13:07 melmoth
drwxr-xr-x   3 postgres postgres     1024 mai 26 11:34 postgres
drwxr-xr-x   2 root     nobody       1024 aoû  1  1998 samba
drwxr-xr-x   5 www      www          1024 jun  3 23:38 www
drwxr-xr-x   2 zonegris zonegris     1024 mai 26 13:06 zonegris

So, i have try to make the assign file by hands, trying to add zonegris.
Here is what i have tryed in assign, 

But if i try qmail-newu it generate a bad format in assign.

I guess i havent understood what are the 2 fields after the home directory.

Any help appreciated.

Have a nice day.

Pierre Amadio     




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