On Fri, 2 Jul 1999, Alex Miller wrote:
> In your negative response you wrote GFY.
> That was your PUBLIC response here on this list.
> Your PRIVATE email to me regarding making the
> web site was hardly "Good For You" and you know it.
> There are two kinds of people. Honest people and dishonest people.
> Do your really want me to post your private email to me,
> the one which clarifies you allegedly "Good For You"
> attitude toward the creation of that particular web site
> with that particular content?
> Alex Miller

Please send it to me.  I'm archiving all of this.  I've also noted a
vast different in what people say publically to this list and what they
say privately.  However, for me, it's always been that I've witnessed
great rudeness on the list and amazing politeness in private.

I'll have to say that *all* of the email that I have received privately
has been polite and much more of what I would expect to receive from
this list.  There are a lot of good people here -- but there are some
really obnioxious people too (you can label me how ever you want).


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