SMTP is a port on your computer.  Port 25.  The program uses socket
functions to connect to this port to do its work instead of shelling out
and calling something like /usr/sbin/sendmail.  Therefore this makes it
difficult to have the program call qmail-inject or qmail-remote if it
never calls external programs in the first place.


> Maybee i'm confused. Can you please explain to me what:
> "communicates directly with smtp" means?
>   _    __   _____      __   _________      
> ______________  /_______ ___  ____  /______  John Gonzalez/Net.Tech
> __  __ \ __ \  __/_  __ `__ \/ __  /_  ___/ MDC Computers/netMDC!
> _  / / / `__/ /_  / / / / / / /_/ / / /__ (505)437-7600/fax-437-3052
> /_/ /_/\___/\__/ /_/ /_/ /_/\__,_/  \___/
> [---------------------------------------------[system info]-----------]
>   2:10pm  up 158 days, 21:13,  2 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.06, 0.10
Y2K.  We're all gonna die.

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