Taken from Life With qmail by Dave Sill

D.3. Queue structure
The file INTERNALS in the build directory discusses the details of queueing
more thoroughly.

intd  envelopes under construction by qmail-queue
todo  complete envelopes

my guess is that qmail-queue broke a few times?
any indication in your logs?  are the files readable?
More info please

-----Original Message-----
From: Todd Backman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, July 20, 1999 5:26 PM
Subject: qmail problems


I have inherited a freebsd box running qmail...and I have never used qmail
before. What I would like to know is:

What are the functions of the 'todo' and 'intd' directories? There are
tons of msgs in them and qmail does not seem to be processing them. I have
moved the files out of the directory (backed them up) and moved a small
amt. of them back in to see if the dirs. were just overloaded, restarted
qmail and attempted to run qmail-send with no luck. If someone could hit
me with the clue stick it would be greatly appreciated... ;^)

After looking at the qmail archives I am unable to resolve this issue.

Thanks in advance.

- Todd

Todd Backman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>          "there are two major products
UNIX Systems Administrator                   that came out of berkeley
Flying Crocodile Inc.                        lsd and unix.
Seattle, WA                                  we don't believe this to be
"Chaos is a good teacher..."                 a coincidence." j.s.anderson

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