Todd Backman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> >machine# ./qmail-qstat
>> >messages in queue: 115248
>> >messages in queue but not yet preprocessed: 549
>> >
>> >when I run 'qmail-send' it just sits there and does not send any of the
>> >files out...
>> What does qmail-qread say? What does qmail-send log?
>I get nothing back at all from them...

qmail-qstat sees messages, but qmail-qread doesn't? Very odd. And
qmail-send isn't logging *anything*? Double odd.

>The startup script is as follows:
>. /usr/local/etc/rc.d/fci.conf
>echo -n 'qmail: '
>/usr/local/bin/tcpserver  -R -x/etc/tcp.smtp.cdb -c100 -u81 -g82 0 smtp
>/var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd &

That starts the smtp daemon, but it doesn't start qmail. You should
have a qmail-start (or /var/qmail/rc) invocation somewhere.

>when I envoke the script the only thing that starts is:
>15238 alias      2   0   792K   476K accept   0:00  0.00%  0.00% tcpserver
>I do not see any qmail* related process' start up as stated on you web
>qmail-send running as user qmails 
>qmail-clean running as user qmailq 
>qmail-rspawn running as user qmailr 
>qmail-lspawn running as user root
>It does not seem that qmail is being started at all?

Sounds like it to me.


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