Completed messages: 3580
Recipients for completed messages: 3580
Total delivery attempts for completed messages: 3580
Average delivery attempts per completed message: 1
Bytes in completed messages: 48327448
Bytes weighted by success: 48327448
Average message qtime (s): 3.49601
Total delivery attempts: 19568
  success: 16806
  failure: 2108
  deferral: 654
Total ddelay (s): 87744.249823
Average ddelay per success (s): 5.221007
Total xdelay (s): 120875.501606
Average xdelay per delivery attempt (s): 6.177203
Time span (days): 0.28308
Average concurrency: 4.94215


> On Tue, Jul 27, 1999 at 11:51:54AM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > 
> > I don't know why or what's wrong, but I'll tell you what I'm seeing.
> OK, you have to do the following:
> 1) Install qmailanalog
> 2) Take your logs, and run them through matchup
> 3) Use the various z* scripts to figure out why your delivery is taking
>    so horrendously long.  Ask the list questions based on the problems
>    as told to you by the logs (i.e. is qmail taking too much time on 
>    dns lookups, on a certian host, etc.).
> -- 
> The 5 year plan:
> In five years we'll make up another plan.
> Or just re-use this one.
Y2K.  We're all gonna die.

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