Daemeon Reiydelle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Going out on a limb, my guess would be you could expect 50-100 1000 byte
>messages per second (or better) outbound with an OC-12, hardware assist,

OC-12 is 622 Mbps, or roughly 60 MBps. Say sending a 1k message with
SMTP uses 3k bandwidth--that's generous. Dividing 60 MBps by 3k yields
20000 messages per second (1.7 billion messages/day).

Even if they only have a T1 (1544 Kbps, ~150 KBps), they could do 50
messages/second (4.3 million messages/day).

Network bandwidth is *not* going to be their bottleneck.


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