I installed Qmail 1.03 + UCE patch + Maildrop filter 4 month ago. I'm feel
very happy because anything well. Now we have a branch office, and I intend
to use e-mail offline service. I'd downloaded and installed serialmail.
Follow the instructions described in FROMISP and TOISP, I'd set up a virtual
domain for our branch office. Anything is OK! Unfortunately when I set up
AutoTurn service, the problem occurs. This is not serialmail problem, but
it's qmail problem.

Follow step 2 (described in file AUTOTURN), I put the following line:


 into /var/qmail/control/assign. (in my case, 202 = qmaild UID, 201 =
nofiles GID)

Then I run qmail-newu and it says "qmail-newu: fatal: bad format in

I had read the qmail-users, qmail-newu manual page carefully. So, I don't
know why it doesn't work.

Please tell me what's wrong in my configuration. Thank you very much.

Best regards,


Nguyen Dang Phuoc Dong
Phuong Nam Net. - System Administrator.

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