On Wed, 4 Aug 1999, Daemeon Reiydelle wrote:

> (2.6 or later). There may be limitations within e.g. qmail-[lr]spawn
> about how many children it can manage. I am not working with that code
> right know so I don't know. Anyone?

This is what people have been trying to say -- the protocol between
qmail-Xspawn and qmail-send only passes a single byte for the delivery
attempt back in the status messages. if you want to increase the maximum
number above 256 one has to modify qmail-send and the common code in
qmail-Xspawn. making it a short should allow up to 2**16 concurrency

**CAUTION** if you do this one should realise that qmail-send might try to
open 64K connections to the /same/ host because it doesn't maintain a
per-domain concurrency. this is distinctly Unfriendly. I produced some
code for qmail to do this, but when I asked my ISP if i could open >>1024
connections to one of their mail relays for testing they were less than
enthusiastic... (the code is on my desktop system somewhere between here
and Austin where I'm moving to next week, so I can't email it, and without
testing it I won't email it. the changes to up the concurrency are fairly 
straightforward, the once for a per-domain concurrency are non-trivial)

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