Sure could use a hint as to what's hanging me up on this,any suggestions are
I am running Linux 2.2.5-15 (RH6) and qmail 1.03 and daemontools 0.53 and
checkpassword 0.81.
I can send email fine (smtp is ok), and my server is getting the emails and
holding them for me (I can read my emails if I ssh (or telnet) into the
server with my account and type "mail" and do what I wish with it. but if I
start up netscape on that server and try to get email I get "ERR-
authorization failed" error. (of course it does the same remotely as well).
One concern I have is the server doesn't seem to be putting my email into
the maildir(S) (As I thought I had configured, but must have done wrong
somewhere?), it just puts it in the mailbox instead (I think?). But even
though that may be wrong, wouldn't I still be able to check pop3 without an
error?  I just wouldn't actually\get any emai right? I thought maybe I had
screwed up the checkpassword somehow (simple though it may be), so
reinstalled it, but made no difference. If i test checkpassword run as su
(or root) root I can test the user and pass just fine, (but of course if I'm
running as a regular user and run the test steps it doens't matter which
user I pass to it, I get the ERR- authentication failed). Probably one
simple piece I missed, I appreeciate any insight.

-Hawke Robinson
CNA, MCP+I, MCSE, ASin CS, more on the way...
Sun Solaris Admin, Java Programmer, CCNA.

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