"Daniluk, Chris" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>I know there is nothing wrong with this. That's why I posted it. My question
>is, if this is fine, and the problem did not exist on a different SMTP
>server, why are we having this problem now? 

What we have here is a failure to communicate. If there was nothing
wrong with the message whose header you posted, why did you post it?
And, if there's nothing wrong, why do you refer to it as a problem?

qmail doesn't randomly deliver messages to the wrong people. Not
occasionally, not rarely, not once in a million deliveries. If you
want to find out what's happening, you'll need to document the problem
better. E.g., show us the log entries for a "misdelivered" message, as
well as the header. Your claim that qmail doesn't log anything
relevant just doesn't cut it.

Chances are good that the problem lies with the injection process, and 
qmail is just doing exactly what you told it to do. How are these
"misdelivered" messages being injected?


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