I dont understand why there is so much friction in this thread. When I was
asking for help so that we could implement QMail I received nothing but
helpful information. Now that we are having troubles using it and are trying
to find if there's a problem with QMail, we are receiving nothing but
disreceptive attitudes. Let me go through this:

1. We have been using MS SMTP Server to send out a few hundred thousand
emails per day for close to 3 months now.
2. It sucks. It sends slow, it's junk. I decide QMail would be better
3. I ask QMail list, they concur
4. We build a test server running a raid0 stripe with a heavy scsi cache for
queueing performance
5. We test it by turning the MS SMTP Server smarthost to our qmail box, so
that no software reconfigurations need to be made. MS SMTP Server can smart
host messages at about 50 per second. It can only send to the Internet at 5
per second. SMTP Server obviously is STILL not sending fast enough, but
still fast enough to make qmail worthwhile.
6. After a few days of testing, we find that people are inexplicably
receiving other people's emails. We dont know why, we have NO clue. Headers
are all the way they should be. QMail doesn't report any errors, but they
just aren't delivered to the right location. So, I'm asking you for help...
not to be continuously and repeatedly accused of this or that. You have all
the information I have, and I'm not asking for a solution, I'm asking for
reasonable and plausible possibilities as many of you have been using qmail
since its inception and therefore may know anything that may cause this, or
have heard of other people who have had similar problems. 

Again, this problem does not happen when we're using just ms smtp server,
but when we go to qmail, it happens. That DOES NOT mean qmail is the
problem, but obviously either qmail or something related to the problem is
and we need to get to the bottom of it. That in mind, if you're just going
to tell me the same argumentative things you have been, please don't. 

Emails ARE being sent to the wrong people. When someone named Cezary
receives email that starts off saying "Dear Ian" and Ian's email address is
all over the headers, but Cezary is no where, THAT is a problem. Again, in
the past, everyone has been exceedingly helpful to me. I don't quite
understand why this isn't the case right now, but I'm trying to supply what
everyone is asking for, and I haven't made any accusations against the
integrity of qmail, nor am I intending to. I simply have a problem and am
wondering if anyone has any constructive thoughts.

Cris Daniluk

> -----Original Message-----
> From: 'Chris Johnson' [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, August 17, 1999 4:41 PM
> To: Daniluk, Chris
> Cc: QMail (E-mail)
> Subject: Re: bad deliver
> On Tue, Aug 17, 1999 at 11:02:10AM -0400, Daniluk, Chris wrote:
> > I know there is nothing wrong with this. That's why I 
> posted it. My question
> > is, if this is fine, and the problem did not exist on a 
> different SMTP
> > server, why are we having this problem now? 
> You haven't defined "the problem." You claim that messages 
> aren't being
> delivered to the right address, and as evidence you provide a 
> header that
> doesn't substantiate your claim. (Your claim can't be 
> substantiated by *any*
> header you might provide, because the recipient isn't a 
> function of anything
> that might appear in the header.)
> So why exactly do you think there's a problem?
> Chris

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