> --------
> ] Check your tcpserver-log. I wouldn't be surprised if there's a broken M$
> ] mailer that is trying to send the same email to you over and over again,
> ] pretty much like a DOS-attack. This has happened to me several times 
> ] and having IIS with SP4 causes it.
> Yes, this seems to be the explanation, but what now ? I can filter out
> the faulty machines that I know about, but what if other come along ?
> Is there anything I can do ?
> Also, how do other MTA cope with this ? I'm asking this because we switched
> recently to qmail, but this IIS client went unoticed until now, meaning
> that old and big PP (our previous MTA) knew what to handle it.

I try to contact the administrators of the broken systems and convince
them to fix the problem on their side, because that's where the problem is
really. I guess you could change Qmail's behaviour somehow to get rid of
the problem but I don't think it's the right solution.

/ daj

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