Martin Ouwehand writes...
>Has anybody seen this: from time to time, a whole bunch of qmail-queue's
>will accumulate (I'd say up to ~400), apparently doing nothing (ps shows
>that most of them have the same WCHAN, but not all of them). Most of
>them have 1 as PPID, a few still have qmail-smtpd as parent.

Are they all in TIME_WAIT?  It's probably one machine.

Look in the logs (or use netstat or lsof) to get the IP address of the

Use my recordio patch to record dialog just for that host.

I bet you'll find qmail is dropping the connection with the "bare LF" 
message.  I've previously given my point of view on qmail's non-RFC 
compliance on the list before, find that message, apply the patch.

>This has a serious impact on the through-put and reliability of our qmail
>server. Right now, killing and restarting "tcpserver [...] qmail-smtpd"
>fixes the problem, but I'd really like to know what is going on to altogether
>avoid this behavior. BTW, this is a Solaris 2.5 machine.
>Any idea ?
>                                         Martin

Aaron Nabil

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