Dmitry Niqiforoff wrote:
>   I've been trying to bounce messages for [EMAIL PROTECTED] to
> [EMAIL PROTECTED], but it doesn't work :( I just copied my
> .qmail-postmaster into .qmail-news, with "&root" inside, killall
> -HUP qmail-send and sent a message to postmaster and to news.
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] works just fine, News - doesn't. There is
> "Mailbox" file appears in /var/spool/news instead. I even tried to
> completely restart qmail - the same effect.
>   What I did wrong?

It looks like you have a user called 'news' and that overrides
your ~alias/.qmail-news. Either a) put .qmail in ~news or b) use
users/assign (man qmail-users).


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